There are many hidden costs that homeowners tend to overlook when thinking about a move. The new home purchase can be motivated by a desire for additional living space so the bigger price tag of a larger home is expected. But fees such as movers, cleaning services, decorators and new furnishings are often overlooked. Before  Read More

Even though Phoenix is touted as a “dry heat”, there are many months when it is really not comfortable to sit outside and enjoy your outdoor living space. And this might seem odd at first when you consider that we only have a few month of temperatures in excess of 100 degrees. And after all,  Read More

There are always new trends being touted for the coming season and many of this year’s focus on investing in experiences instead of objects. Happiness, satisfaction and elimination of buyer’s remorse are all hot topics when it comes to spending your hard earned money. Discovering how to make more meaningful and satisfying purchases has become  Read More